Purchasing your first vehicle is a big deal! And as the second-largest purchase, most of us will make in our lifetime, it’s vital to make an informed and intelligent decision. Before you get down to deciding whether you want a two-door coupe, a sedan or an SUV, you have a larger question to answer: should you buy new vs used? And no matter your situation, you should look into purchasing a used car as your first vehicle.
At Stallons Auto in Hopkinsville, we are proud to offer a robust selection of low-mileage, high-quality used cars, trucks, and SUVs. Our experienced team of sales professionals will listen to your unique needs and match you to the perfect solution. In the meantime, you can continue reading to learn some of the key reasons your first vehicle should be a high-quality pre-owned vehicle from Stallons Auto.
Get More Tech & Value with a High-Quality Pre-Owned Vehicle
Most first-time car buyers find themselves in a precarious situation — between what the heart desires and wallet can afford. Unfortunately, these two key considerations don’t always align. If you’re like most first-time car buyers, you may have a champagne taste with Bud Light money.
And that’s okay! When you purchase a used vehicle, you can simply get more of the stuff you want without having to break the bank. This means you’ll enjoy some of the latest and most advanced features on a high-quality used vehicle that may be out of your budget on a new car.
Save Money with Lower Monthly Payments & More Realistic Auto Loan Terms
If you’re a first-time car buyer, the last thing you want to do is overextend yourself. Doing so can ensure you start off on the wrong foot in building your credit and open the door to a world of other problems later down the road. The best solution is to start your credit off on the right foot by choosing the more manageable payments of a used vehicle.
According to data from Experian, the average used car loan was around $19,708 in 2018; while the average loan amount for a new car was $30,958. Which loan do you think a lender will be more likely to issue a first-time car buyer?
Avoid New Car Depreciation
When you buy a new car, you are subject to paying the dreaded new-car depreciation. Most new cars will depreciate anywhere from 20% up to 30% by the end of the first year. This means, your new car for $30,958 will decrease by $9,287 — regardless of the condition of the vehicle or the number of miles. However, when you purchase a high-quality used car, you’ll allow the first owner to take the massive new-car depreciation hit.
Find Your Perfect Used Car & Auto Loan at Stallons Auto
If you’re in the market for your first vehicle, the team at Stallons Auto can help! We’ll carefully match your needs, budget, and driving habits to the perfect high-quality, low mileage used car solution. Best of all, we’ll also create an individualized auto warranty package to help you enjoy greater peace of mind.
Contact us today to learn more about our used cars for sale in Hopkinsville, KY.